Arranged by Radio Club Theodore Puskás HA5KHC
on behalf of MRASZ BSZ
(Budapest Federation of the Hungarian Radio Amateur Society).
To develop contest skill of beginning radio amateurs in Hungarian and foreign language communication, to support field days activities and to test equipment of own development.
Contest periods
Between 07.00 – 12.00 UTC on the 3rd Sunday of every month
in each year from January to November
Frequency bands:
From 144 MHz to 76 GHz according to IARU Region 1 Band Proposal. Exceptions: repeaters and the frequency 145,500 MHz
Transmission modes:
CW (A1A), SSB (J3E) and FM (F3E).
All domestic and foreign radio amateurs possessing a valid radio license accepting the rules contained in the call for participation.
Individual stations, in each band
Collective stations, in each band
Control number:
RST or RS + in each band and in each round
a serial number starting with 001 and WW QTH position (e.g. 599102 JN97NL).
each kilometer distance of the contact x 1 point,
contacts within the same QTH position: 5 points
Final score:
According to international practice the bands are evaluated separately. The end result is calculated as the sum of points earned monthly, by each band.
Contest logs:
proposed program: REG1TEST (EDI) or a protocolling program downloaded from the contest homepage
(Editor, UCX-Log, S53WW,, etc)
the line PSECT shall contain SINGLE or MULTI
in each round, and for each band separately compiled
Junior age participants please indicate their age.
Posting deadline of the protocols: the 14th day after the contest round.
Email address of incoming protocols: maraton at
In the subject field of emails please indicate CALLSIGN and MONTH!
A call will be evaulated only
if it is contained in the protocol sent by the partner station or
if the partner station appears in at least 3 protocols
In case of mode difference both parties will be evaluated to 0 points.
In case of callsign failure, received QTH failure and received report failure
the contact of the receiving station will be evaluated with 0 points.
In case of a time difference exceeding 3 minutes,
and the failing party is clearly established from the logs, he gets 0 points,
if the failing party cannot be established, both parties receive 0 points.
Certification of Merit will be awarded to the first three positions of each category.
Junior age participants receive a memorial certificate in electronic form.
Publication of results:
Preliminary result will be communicated on the homepage of the contest within 60 days following the closing of the yearly contest.
The final result will appear on the homepage of the contest ( and on the homepage of BRASZ (
Award ceremony:
Every year during radio amateur meeting BURABU.(Hungarian HAM meeting)
Contest manager: HG5VY Németh János